Tech Heads Tech Trends In 2022


By: , 2022-09-05

Humans and technology are on a never-ending journey of evolution and as technology gets more sophisticated, so does our ability to use it to make our lives easier. But what does the future hold for technology and how will it change the way we live? Here are some tech trends that are set to change the game in 2022 and beyond. With projections showing the global technology industry to hit a staggering $5.3trillion in 2022 there is much to know!1

Technology Has Hit The Workplace

In 2022, it’s estimated that there will be 1.57 billion digital workers worldwide. This is due to the continued uptake of technology in the workplace and the way it is being used to facilitate work tasks. There has been a move away from traditional office settings and an increase in people working remotely or from home. This trend is only set to continue as technology makes it easier for people to stay connected and work flexibly. The proliferation of digital devices in the workplace has also had an impact on how we work. We are now able to access information and applications from anywhere, at any time.

Artificial Intelligence Creeps In

Even contraptions like smart toilets are now using artificial intelligence (AI). In 2022, AI will become more ubiquitous as it creeps into more aspects of our lives. From helping us to make better decisions to managing our finances, AI will continue to make inroads into areas that were once the domain of humans. As AI gets smarter, it will also start to play a bigger role in healthcare. AI-powered chatbots are already being used to provide patient support and medical advice. In the future, AI will be used to diagnose diseases, develop personalised treatment plans and even conduct surgery.

The Internet of Things Gets Smarter

The ‘internet of things’ (IoT) refers to the growing number of devices that are connected to the internet. In 2022, the IoT is set to get even smarter as more devices are equipped with AI and machine learning capabilities. This will enable them to collect and analyse data more effectively, making them more efficient and accurate. The IoT will also become more integrated into our everyday lives as we start to use voice-activated assistants to control everything from our heating to our security systems.

5G Becomes a Reality

5G is the next generation of mobile technology and it’s set to transform the way we live and work. With speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G, 5G will enable us to download movies in seconds, stream live video in HD and even conduct surgeries remotely.2 5G will also have a big impact on the IoT, as it will enable billions of devices to be connected to the internet at lightning-fast speeds. The rollout of 5G is already underway in some parts of the world and it’s expected to be widely available by 2022.

Tablets Still Very Popular

According to recent reports there will be 142 million global tablet shipments by 2025 as they’re used not in the work space but education space too.3 Tablets are handy because of their portability and long battery life. They’re also popular because they offer a more user-friendly experience than laptops. In the education sector, tablets are being used to facilitate interactive learning experiences and to give students access to a wealth of digital resources. In the business world, tablets are being used for everything from presentations to sales pitches.

Virtual Reality Becomes Mainstream

Virtual reality (VR) is set to become more mainstream in 2022 as the technology continues to evolve. VR headsets will become more affordable and sophisticated, making them accessible to a wider audience. We’ll also start to see more businesses using VR for training, marketing and even customer service. For example, VR could be used to give customers a virtual tour of a product before they buy it. It could also be used to provide employees with realistic training experiences that prepare them for real-world scenarios.

Trend Seeker Has You Covered

So there you go, the technology industry in 2022 is set to be fascinating with many new and innovative ideas on the horizon. At Trend Seeker, we’ll be keeping a close eye on all the latest developments so you can stay ahead of the curve. Be sure to check back regularly for all the latest tech news and updates. Comment your thoughts below to engage in the active community.


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